Laura Stants' Photos
(If you have broadband you can
click on these to blow them up.
They're really big but
I have too many to resize them all!)

Kaylee arriving at Norfolk
Airport with boxes of STUFF |

It's the Boardwalk at VA
Beach-wide, clean, flat, and so easy to get places on!

Steve & Kaylee on the

WHAT is that, you ask?
Blow this one up and see if you can read it. Someone
was a celebrity!

The view from our room...

Miss Lily getting her hand
traced for the canvas handprint fundraiser MJ & Brenda did!

The Gorgeous Mackenzie!

Casey & Nurse Julie

The "Pixie", Skyler

Colin & Lily checking each
other out.

MJ & Kim Sykora

Laura & Amy apparently
decided to dress as twins this day...

Michelle, Tammy (who also
got the memo on the matching clothes!), Brianna & Annah get
ready to board the accessible Virginia Jewel boat

Amy & Lily waiting to
board |

On board the boat, very
lovely surroundings and a nice view!

More people on board...

You may have to blow these
up to see the people, but they are there. ;)

Kaylee & Emily on the boat

Charlie & Brenda on baord |

MJ & Peg on the boat |

The always lovely Annette
& Madison Reed

Amy, Lily, Lucas, Annette
& Madison on the boat

William saying 'hi'
upside-down, of course!

Tonya & William take the
'elevator chair' up to the 2nd floor of the boat

Some of the girls hanging
out at the bow of the boat

The rest of the crew in
the bow

Annah taking a trip up to
the second floor of the boat with the help of Tonya & Brenda

MJ & Casey relaxing on the
boat |

Casey was squishing up his
face to make that lizard travel down his forehead, off his
nose, and drop off, and it was too funny. Brenda
helped get the lizard there and Casey did the rest of the
work. :)

The Reed ladies taking the
chair to the 2nd floor of the boat

Nurse Julie, Colin & Sue

Colin & his mom

Okay, this didn't work
without a tripod to keep it from blurring, but the full moon
was out, shining over the ocean, and it was just gorgeous.

Meeting up for the
luncheon on Saturday

The Lunch Crowd

A birthday cake for
Charlie! |

And a birthday cake for
Angel Jacob...
It was Mackenzie's birthday too but they had to leave early.

Charlie posing by his
birthday cake and treats!

Colin gets to check out
the clown...I wonder who that is?? Samuel, would you know?

Just relaxing...

Hmmm, I wonder what Jeff &
Kim find so funny? |

Casey cutting loose with the karaoke!

Or maybe it was Lucas with
La Vida Loca!

Lucas takes the stage
while the group behind him gets it on tape for future

Okay, those of you with
patience or a good connection have to blow this one up.
Check out Amy's reaction to Lucas' song back there on the
right side. ;)

Carol & Ange enjoying the
tune as well.

Wow, now that was a

Casey Twirling to the

Quite the crew here... ;)

Kaylee getting a butterfly
painted on her hand by Terri Sawyer

And William gets a balloon

William cuddling up |

Kaylee shows off her
butterfly hand and her red balloon doggie

Amy & Lily dancing to the

The Beautiful Burger Girls

Nonna Kim and Madison
dancing |

Helema & her mommy
watching the dancers

Jeni & Annah |

Kim & Tenille doing the
stroller dance with Madison

Just relaxing...

The lovely Lauren and her
big sister Cierra.

Ange drawing the winning
ticket for the cross-stitch raffle with Annette Cordes

Kaylee drawing the winning
number for the canvas hand-print fundraiser by MJ & Brenda

The beautiful Morgan,
driving the power chair JUST fine!!

The crew doing the "Left
Foot Stomp" dance, including Katelyn & Kaylee

cha cha real smooth...

Passing out the
butterflies to be released...

Everyone passing out the
butterflies on the boardwalk facing the beautiful beach and

Listening to the legend of
the butterfly |

A butterfly lands on Kim's
shirt for Skyler to see...

There's Skyler and the
butterfly, a "painted lady"...

Suzanne has a little
visitor too...

So many people had
butterflies who stopped to say 'hi' instead of flying right

Brianna got to watch her
little friend for awhile...

Whispering his wish to the
butterfly visitor. As the legend goes, a whispered
wish is carried on the wings of the butterflies straight to
the heavens

Zeke with his butterfly
(and nice shirt!) :)

Abby gets to watch her
butterfly too! What a beautiful backdrop... |

Ange lighting her candle
for the world-wide candle-lighting, in honor of Jacob and so
many angels...

Kaylee Stants getting her
candle lit in honor of Devon, Sidney, and so many angels...

Kaylee & grandma, Patty
Chiles, with their candles lit

Candles lit on the
boardwalk... |

We light these candles...

For Our Angels...

That their Light...

May Always Shine.

Lily has a lingering
visitor... |

NOW she sees him! Hi

Miss Grace driving her new

Heading back in...

Liz demonstrates French
braiding on Laura for Kim and Peg

Amy & Lily at Saturday
night's pizza

Oh yes, we ARE at the
beach, aren't we!

Kaylee & Emily at the
Virginia Aquarium and Science Museum.

At the Aquarium.
Well, for these three sets of parents this will make sense.
Casey is talking, Emily is rowing, and Kaylee is pouting
because she's not the one talking or rowing. ;)

Fireworks over the
Boardwalk on Sunday night! They went by too fast for
me to get photos of the kids watching though!

Lily and Annah...

Lily & Annah

Hanging out on the
Boardwalk after the fireworks are done-with a beautiful full
moon over the ocean.

MJ & William having some

Brenda & William

Lily & Colin having a
That's it for me! I'll put the rest of the photos
up on the other pages, as I get them! :) Laura |