Stacey's pics!
Annah & Mia
Annah & Mia

Aschdon & Makayla
Annmei & Mia

Nikolas Lockwood & Mia
MJ, Kenya, Aschdon, Makayla
MJ, Kenya, Aschdon, Makayla
Sallie's pics!
Bach Workshop
Ethan with Mia in the background
You can see how cramped it was in
Right after Bach workshop
MJ and the Swansons
MJ, Dana Swanson, and our Annah!
MJ, Kalair & Skylar S.
People arriving for the Type 1
The twins at the Type 1 talk-it-out.
Beautiful Sami at the Type 1
Liz getting her hands on Nick L. at
the talk-it-out
Brenda giving Sami a gift from MJ
The Burnett's talking to a new family
at the talk-it-out.
Dr. Swoboda at the talk-it-out.
Type 1 Talk-it-out moderated by Dr.
More talk-it-out
and more...
Aren't they all so cute?
MJ on the 'it's a wonderful life'
MJ and Rocco
Miss Kalair all dressed up and ready
for more.
Miss Lily
Kalair and Miss Lily
Kalair and her special friend Regina
Another Regina and Kalair
Liz and Kalair
Kalair on her way to the Smithsonian
On the go!
Some of my day lilies. :)
Kalair trying the Nasalaire prongs for
the first time
Luke McAdams
Kim, Amy, Tracy & Liz
Miss Emma Lockwood
A Motley Crew
Kalair's visit with Mr.Cole
Brenda/MJ's pics!
Annah & Lily
MJ, Aschdon & Makayla
Callie & MJ
Christian & MJ
Emma & MJ
Kevin & Nick
Lily & Mia
Madison Burger & MJ
Malik & MJ
Monica, Taleah & MJ
Peg & MJ
Princess Lily
Rocco & MJ
Stacey, Mia & MJ
Tim, Lynne & Shaun
Monica's Pictures

Taleah & Kalair

A Bunch of Us!

Party at the Burnett's!
In front of the Capitol Building
In front of the Supreme Court

Taleah & Mommy in front of the
White House

Taleah & Lily in front of the
Washington Monument

Tia, Lily, Skylar and the moms in
front of the Vietnam War Memorial

Taleah, Monica & MJ

Taleah and the Lockwoods
Darling Emma
Kenya's Pictures
Aschdon and Makayla at the banquet
Aschdon and Makayla at the banquet
Aschdon and Makayla at the banquet
Makayla had just hit Aschdon on the cheek during the play punching
match. They had so much fun
Mia and Aschdon
Aschdon at the play dough table sitting by Sean
Aschdon and his favorite play volunteer
Aschdon and daddy in hotel room
Boys will be boys!!
Daddy and Aschdon posing in the rain
Stacey, Mia, Aschdon and Kenya
Jennifer Bolen's Pictures

Jerika, MJ & Tim Purk


Jerika and Brianna
Amy & Lily
Jerika and the McAdam's family