SMA Support's Equipment Pool

Following is a list of equipment that is available for your use to help meet your children's needs.  Please read the rules for use of items listed at the bottom of the page.

The Details:

  • If you would like to loan equipment to others, contact me and I will list your equipment on the site with your contact information.  If you would like to donate equipment to SMA Support, simply mail it to me with an approximate dollar amount of it's current value and I will send a receipt to you.

  • If you would like to borrow equipment for your child, simply contact the person listed.  All equipment is available for loan for as long as the parent or child needs it, and then is to be RETURNED TO THE OWNER (usually SMA Support) so that it may be listed again for others' use.

  • If SMA Support purchases equipment, said equipment belongs *solely* to SMA Support and is not to be passed to anyone else.  When the family no longer is in need of the equipment (or it breaks), they are to send it back to SMA Support.


  • The family borrowing the equipment should pay for shipping the item themselves.  If they are not able, they can apply to SMA Support for help in doing so.


  • If the equipment you need is still not available, please contact me with what you are looking for and SMA Support may be able to help you.  


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